This is the important legal information you might like to know when interacting with us and making donations and purchases online.
Our trading name is: FEBC-NZ Radio International Incorporated
This is the name that will appear on your credit card and/or bank statements.
Our contact details are:
Far East Broadcasting Company
PO Box 21010
Hamilton 3256
Freephone: 0800 4FEBC NZ (0800 433 226)
Our physical address for the FEBC National Office is:
2 Cate Road
Hamilton 3256
All transactions will be in New Zealand Dollars.
In the case of an incorrect transaction, double transaction or other error on your part as a donor or payer, there is a one-month grace period during which you may contact us for the reversal of a credit card transaction. If your instructions are unclear about where your payment is to go and we are unable to contact you or have not heard from you within one month, we will allocate the donation at our discretion.
We do not bill or invoice donors for recurring transactions. If you are kind enough to make regular donations, you can set these up easily on our Credit Card donation page, or please contact the office for an Automatic Payment or Direct Debit Authority form. This measure is about ensuring you are in charge of your donating.
To safeguard your transactions and information, our online facilities for donating and purchasing use industry standard encryption technology.
Thanks for your attention to these details.
Donations: Specified and Where Most Needed.
When you donate to FEBC you may specify a project as described on our Projects page, or you may give to Where Most Needed. You can also give to Where Most Needed – NZ , which is normally a tax rebatable donation as it remains entirely in New Zealand for operation use e.g personnel, promotions, fundraising, administration, education, travel etc.
All donations are gratefully received and receipted immediately. If any specified project receives more in donations than are needed, the extra funds will be allocated to a similar project, or wherever the need is the greatest. Thank you.
Website disclaimer
Far East Broadcasting Company New Zealand (FEBC) makes every effort to ensure that the information in this web site is accurate and up to date. Whilst exercising this diligence, FEBC will not be responsible for any losses or damages arising from reliance on the information within.
Links and references to other organisations and/or their web sites are supplied for reference and convenience only, and do not necessarily constitute the endorsement of those parties by FEBC. Similarly, FEBC does not implicitly endorse other parties who link to this web site.
Our Web Site Privacy Policy covering the privacy and security of your personal information is on a separate page. Click here to go to that page now.
Terms and Conditions for Purchases with FEBC Supporter Businesses.
Through generous partnerships with FEBC Supporter Businesses, FEBC-NZ supporters can purchase products and services directly from the supplier and FEBC-NZ will receive a share of the purchase price as a donation to help us continue our work.
1. Permission to share information
By making a purchase with an FEBC Supporter Business using a specified coupon code or similar identifying feature, the purchaser agrees that:
a. The FEBC Supporter Business may provide the purchaser’s contact information to FEBC-NZ.
b. FEBC-NZ may receive a portion of the purchase price as a donation to help continue its work.
c. FEBC-NZ may send the purchaser occasional organisation news, updates and related product or service information.
Note: The purchaser can at any time unsubscribe from receiving future emails and other correspondence from FEBC-NZ. Unsubscribe instructions are provided at the bottom of each email.
2. Purchase transactions with FEBC Supporter Businesses
By making a purchase with an FEBC Supporter Business using a specified coupon code or similar identifying feature, the purchaser agrees that:
a. The purchase transaction and supply of product or services is conducted entirely between the purchaser and an FEBC Supporter Business and as such is subject to the specific FEBC Supporter Business’s Terms and Conditions of Sale.
b. FEBC-NZ is not liable for any FEBC Supporter Business’s website or printed materials, or any content or information contained therein.